Volunteer and Driver Forms

A volunteer profile is to be completed by all family members (parents, grandparents, older siblings, etc.) who are participating in field trips or are regularly involved in volunteer capacities at New Era Christian School.

A volunteer and driver profile is to be completed by any and all family members who are participating in field trips or are regularly involved in volunteer capacities at NECS. It is being used to help the school provide a safe and secure environment for the children who participate in our school activities and to protect the volunteers with whom our students have contact. These items can be brought into the office or emailed to [email protected], or by filling out the online form below.

    First Name (required)
    Last Name (required)
    Cell/Work Phone (required)
    Home Phone/Other
    Email Address (required)
    Date of Birth (required)
    Address Line 1 (required)
    Address Line 2
    City (required)
    State (required)
    Zip Code (required)
    Drivers License or State ID (required)
    Race (required)
    Gender (required)
    Other Names or Aliases
    Have you been arrested or convicted of child or domestic abuse; including physical or sexual abuse, neglect, molestation or exploitation of a minor? (required)
    Have you ever been arrested or convicted of any other crime? (required)
    Are you interested in driving for any school activities? (field trips, sporting events, etc.)(required)

    If you marked yes, please fill out this next section

    Vehicle Owner
    License Plate Number
    Total Number of Seatbelts
    Front air bag?
    Do you have more than 6 active points on your driving record?
    Submit a copy of your driver's license. Volunteeer drivers must be at least 21 years of age, hold a valid driver's license and have insurance coverage on any vehicle used.
    Submit a copy of proof of insurance

    This document outlines the expectations we have for all volunteers who work with NECS students. Please read this policy carefully. Before you volunteer, you must accept the terms and conditions of the NEC Volunteer Policy.

    If you are volunteering in the classroom: Your time must be prearranged with the classroom teacher. Please do not bring any siblings/children with you when you are volunteering during school hours. You are never to be alone in the classroom, or with a child, and must always be under the supervision of the assigned teacher.

    If you are attending a field trip as a driver and/or chaperone: We expect your full attention for the children you are supervising on the field trip. We require that you have a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance and a safe vehicle for children to ride in with the appropriate car seats and seat belts. Volunteers may not bring other children with them. Exceptions: At times, teachers invite other family members for special functions.

    Language and Behavior: Profanity, inappropriate language or discussions, harsh language, sarcasm, and putdowns are not allowed on campus or on field trips.

    Social Media: Volunteers are not allowed to post negative criticisms or statements about students, teachers, parents, administrators, or school policies and practices. Violation of this policy jeopardizes a parent’s invitation to volunteer, as well as the family’s enrollment at NEC.

    Classroom Disruptions: Please conduct all private conversations outside of the classroom. Refrain from addressing personal concerns regarding a teacher’s techniques, attitude, style, and classroom management during volunteer times. Concerns such as these must be discussed by appointment with the teacher.

    Cell Phones: Cell phones are to be turned off or silenced in the classrooms.

    Discipline: ​Discipline is solely the responsibility of the teacher. On field trips when you are the adult supervising a group of children and the teacher is unavailable, volunteers may appropriately address safety or behavior issues. It is the responsibility of the volunteer to inform the teacher about these issues. Any consequences for behavior are the responsibility of the teacher, not the volunteer.

    Students Must Treat Volunteers With Respect: ​If on any occasion you are treated disrespectfully, tell the teacher or the principal as soon as possible.

    VOLUNTEER STATEMENT: The information I have provided is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize New Era Christian School to perform annual criminal background checks. I understand it is my right to request a copy of any background check report provided by any state agency and that I may challenge the completeness of any information provided therein. I understand New Era Christian School’s abuse policy and realize that any allegation of abuse could result in suspension of my service duties within the school. I additionally understand that the school will report all allegations of physical and sexual abuse to the appropriate authorities (Children’s Protective Services and local law enforcement department). My signature acknowledges my understanding and agreement with this policy.

    Typing on this signature line will count as a legally binding e-signature.
    Your Signature (required)
    Todays Date (required)

    Years Established

    Get In Touch

    Location: 1901 Oak Ave, New Era, MI 49446

    Telephone: (231) 861-5450

    Email: [email protected]

    School Hours: M-F: 8:30am - 3pm

    Summer Hours: Monday Mornings 9:30 - 11:30